COVID-19: more than 5 million cases Worldwide

As of May 21, 2020, 5,154,201 people have contracted the new coronavirus and more than 332,400 have died. The United States remains the most affected country with more than 1.6 million cases, followed by Russia (more than 317,000 cases) and then Brazil (more than 296,000 cases). Europe accounts for around 38% of global cases.

The number of new infections, hospitalizations and deaths has dropped sharply in Western Europe (including the United Kingdom) but there is still an increasing number of cases in Eastern Europe, in particular in Russia which remains very touched. The number of cases also continues to increase in Latin America (especially Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Panama) and Africa. In Brazil, Sao Paulo is particularly affected and the mayor warns that the health system may soon be overwhelmed.

Current situation worldwide

Oceania: 8,500 cases (only + 130 cases since 12.05.20) including 127 deaths; the five countries with the highest number of cases are Australia (7,068), New Zealand (1,153), Guam (154), French Polynesia (60) and the Northern Mariana Islands (21).

Africa: 91,365 cases (= + 24,855 cases since 12.05.20) including 2,903 deaths; the top 5 countries are South Africa (17,200), Egypt (13,484), Algeria (7,377), Morocco (7,023) and Nigeria (6,401).

Asia: 833,437 cases (+ 155,845 since 12.05.20) including 25,417 deaths; the 5 countries with the highest number of cases are Turkey (151,615), Iran (124,603), India (106,750), China (84,065) and Saudi Arabia (59,854).

Europe: 1'740'551 cases (+ 159'899 since 12.05.20) including 164'349 deaths; the five countries with the highest number of cases are Russia (299,941), the United Kingdom (248,818), Spain (232,037), Italy (226,699) and Germany (176,007) .

America: 2'186'907 cases (+ 383'534 since 12.05.20) including 129'680 deaths; the 5 countries reporting the most cases are the USA (1,528,568), Brazil (271,628), Peru (99,483), Canada (79,101) and Mexico (54,346).

What if you have to travel abroad

Travel abroad is still not recommended, unless absolutely necessary. Follow developments in the media and check with the local authorities in your destination and with the FDFA before planning a trip. Health rules (eg wearing a mask) may vary by country and by airline.

Some countries may require a coronavirus test (nose smear or antibody test) to issue a visa or authorize entry, which can be done at vaccination centers (by appointment). The rules of hygiene and social distancing must be respected everywhere in Switzerland: gathering of maximum 5 people, distance of 2 meters (or if not possible, wear a mask), wash / disinfect hands, avoid the handles of hand, sneeze / cough in his elbow.

Travelers must monitor their health. Anyone with symptoms of COVID (fever, cough, etc.) should be tested and, if positive, stay at home or at the hotel in self-isolation for at least 10 days (and until 48 hours after complete cessation of symptoms). Anyone in contact with people who are sick or tested positive must quarantine themselves.


If you are living abroad and you need assistance for your health insurance, contact us!

Dhwty U.B

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Switzerland is opening its borders


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